A baby nurse can be defined as someone experienced in newborn/infant care. They have extensive knowledge of the most current practices related to newborns, including lactation support and Infant CPR certification. A baby nurse has a broad knowledge base related to infant feeding patterns and getting the baby on a feeding schedule. A baby nurse can facilitate and support breastfeeding, pumping, and breast milk storage. She also has an in depth knowledge of postpartum care and provides the parents with the comfort of knowing their baby nurse can answer any questions or concerns related to the care of their newborn.
Rest Assured Infant Nursing contracts with registered nurses and baby nurses that have experience in newborn care. All of the caregivers are CPR certified and are 100% insured. They all go through an extensive interview process and a background check is completed before hiring along with reference checks.
If you think you may be interested in hiring a baby nurse please visit our website at http://www.restassuredinfantnursing.com/ or call us toll free at 1-888-277-1563
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