Saturday, July 9, 2011

Breastmilk Storage

Many mom's want to collect and freeze some of their breast milk for use at a later date. I will give you all some guidelines that I received from the AAP and Medela website for proper breast milk storage for full term infants.

*Freeze milk in 2-4 ounce portions. Small amounts thaw more quickly and you will waste less this way
*Seal BPA free containers tightly and date and time them
*If you do not plan on using the milk within a few days, freeze right away

Freshly Expressed Breast milk Storage Guidelines
Room Temperature: 4-6 hours at 66-78 degrees Fahrenheit
Cooler with 3 Frozen Ice Packs 24 hours at 59 degrees Fahrenheit
Refrigerator: 3-8 days at 39 degrees Fahrenheit or lower
Freezer: 6-12 months 0-4 degrees Fahrenheit

Defrosting Breastmilk

*Thaw milk overnight in the refrigerator or put the bottle in a cup of warm water until thawed.
*Thawed Breast milk should be used within 24 hours

Happy Pumping!!!