Friday, July 8, 2011

Diaper Rash....

Diaper Rash is very common in babies. The first and most obvious symptom is redness of the skin on areas in direct contact with the diaper. Parents may notice redness, bumps or breaks in the skin in or around the diaper area. Most rashes are the result of leaving your baby in a wet or soiled diaper for too long. Moisture from a soiled diaper can harm your baby’s skin and make it more prone to chafing. In more severe cases there may be painful open sores. Once the skin is irritated and damaged, your baby will become vulnerable to yeast or bacterial infections. Here are some tips to help heal the diaper rash
  • Rinse the affected area with warm water. Repeat the process with each diaper change until the rash subsides. Wash with a mild soap only after a bowel movement since overusing soap can disrupt the healing process.

  • Choose the right kind of wipes. Avoid wipes that contain alcohol or fragrances.

  • Expose your baby’s bottom to air. Let your baby wear a loose diaper so air can circulate. While she’s napping, take the diaper off and lay her on a towel. Drying out the area will reduce the risk of developing a yeast infection.

  • Diaper rash can be prevented by layering diaper rash cream or using A&D ointment to attempt tp prevent diaper rash. If you notice the diaper rash is not getting better you could have yeast infection on your hands. Call the doctor and they may perscribe a cream for yeast.

    Source: Healthy Children Magazine, 2010